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Tools For Reaching Your Goals in the New Year

The new year can be a great time to set personal and business goals around productivity and planning. It’s a fresh start and helps to set the tone for the rest of the year. In this article, we’re going to look at some of our favorite tools that we use that we hope can help you achieve your goals!

Task Tracking & Planning is a step above your typical paper and pencil to-do list and agenda. Monday helps you keep track of time-sensitive deadlines for major projects, industry conferences, personal work tasks, event planning, and more. Monday also has the ability to share specific workspace boards with the whole team to help keep everyone on the same page and up to date. It also allows you to assign specific tasks to team members, leave notes and attach relevant files.

Social Media Content Planning

If you have your own social media pages or help publish content for your business pages, there are different tools available to help you reach any social media goals you may set. Canva is a very helpful tool to make quick social media graphics. With free and paid versions, you have options for every budget. You can even upload all your branding elements, create video posts and create branded templates.

Once you have the content ready to be published, SocialPilot is a helpful tool for social media scheduling. Schedule your posts for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and many more social media platforms. And if you need a quick graphic put together, you can use your Canva account right in the SocialPilot platform. SocialPilot allows you to see your social media posts in a calendar view by month, week, or day. You also have the ability to track analytical data on your posts, to adjust your strategy appropriately to reach your goals. If you want your content to be lined up in a specific way across all your platforms, SocialPilot will be a huge help.

Spark of Inspiration is a helpful tool to help give ideas for social media captions and content ideas. It is an extremely helpful tool for creating social media captions and copywriting support. If you’re looking for a specific word that you can’t quite find, can help spark inspiration. It is as simple as typing in some keywords, picking a tone, and generating the content. This could give you ideas for a blog post, social media captions, or even hashtags for content.

Schedule Planning

Calendly is a helpful resource for booking appointments and/or meetings. It allows you to easily share your calendar’s availability, making setting up meetings easy and painless. The need to send emails back and forth trying to find a time and date that works for everyone is eliminated, giving you more time for productivity!

Now that you have some inspiration and resources for setting yourself up for success and reaching your goals in the new year, another valuable resource to add to your toolbox is our Bridge Loan Network Platform. Through utilizing Bridge Loan Network’s Loan Management System, you can help increase the volume of your closed deals and bring in additional revenue for your company. Connect with our team to learn more!